Delivering Top Case Management
Recruiting Talent
Seasoned Candidate Pipeline
Over 12 years experience
Healthcare Recruitment Partners specializes in placing hospital leadership Case Management talent. Michelle Boeckmann, Founder, has over twelve years of experience for leadership and executive Case Management talent in acute care hospitals.
In Case Management and the arising Utilization Management field, recruiting for top talent can be fierce. In many cases, the talented individual you seek may be passive or not actively looking for a new career change. With Healthcare Recruitment Partners, clients are assured that our seasoned candidate pipeline, currently featuring over 32,000 individuals, paired with our extensive recruiting expertise, transforms a stressful process with ease allowing candidates they seek are vetted and clients can focus on delivering what they do best.

Career Opportunities

Case Management is a rapidly growing field in the healthcare world, and our team is constantly keeping up to date with the latest career opportunities. Depending on the role, the location, and the needs of each organization, leadership Directors/Executives Case Management candidates are interviewed and placed on how well they deliver metrics and achieve results.
Case Management positions placed by Healthcare Recruitment Partners include:
- Director of Case Management
- Director of Care Coordination
- Director of Utilization Management
- AVP or Vice President of Case Management
- AVP or Vice President of Care Coordination
- AVP or Vice President of Utilization Management
- Regional, Corporate, or System Director of Case Management
- Regional, Corporate or System Director of Care Coordination
- Regional, Corporate, or System Director of Utilization Management
- Interim Directors, System, or Corporate of Case Management, Care Coordination and Utilization Management
Prepare for a Successful Case Management Interview
Download our Interview Guide and make sure you’re ready to discuss the most common case management questions and metrics.
Candidate Information
Michelle and her team help Directors/Executives of Case Management find their ideal dream job or their next steppingstone opportunity. Whether you are looking to change positions within your current area or to relocate to another for the right opportunity or to be near family, Healthcare Recruitment Partners can help navigate today’s competitive and transparent case management recruitment and placement environment. With the high demand for experienced Directors of Case Management or Regional/System opportunities right now, Healthcare Recruitment Partners can help you navigate it all. We help find the right fit and culture that share the same vision.
As part of our candidate base, you’ll be first to discover the hidden pocket opportunities when they open with our trusted, Healthcare organization partners. Our resource center also offers helpful tips for applications, resumes, and interviews to support you throughout the process. Whether you’re actively seeking a change or just keeping an eye on what’s out there, Healthcare Recruitment Partners can help you find the career you’ve been dreaming of.